Animazione Triangolo Rotante


This is where my forma mentis comes from.
Click on the picture below to enter my Studio.

Architecture studio

The studio hasn’t opened yet, but I’m working on that right now, as you read this.
In the meantime, you can take a look at my projects designed during my university studies below.

University projects

Vertical Botanical Garden

2020 – Thesis Project.

A vertical Botanical Research Centre with a Data Centre in the Centre of Cagliari

Doors of Identity

2019 – Self-Construction Workshop.

Design of a wooden extension for University spaces.

Built in two weeks from scratches.

Market Hall, Harkany

2018 – Erasmus Course Project.

A new marketplace for the little town of Harkany, Hungary

HBK 2.0 Cultural Centre

2018 – 4th year Project.

A Cultural Centre for University in the hearth of Cagliari, next to the Botanical Garden

Pape Nature Park

2018 – International Contest.

Facility for visitor at the Pape Nature Park, Liepaja, Latvia.

Camping Site, Monumental Portal, Staff Area.

Wine Promotion Centre

2016 – 3rd year Project.

Requalification of a Castle, setting a Wine and Food Promotion Centre inside the old strucutre.


2016 – Workshop Project.

Improving connection between the town centre and the rural area through development of a public wooden system for agriculture and rural life

Marina Hall

2015 – 2nd year Project.

Cultural Hub for the city of Cagliari. A humble building developed as a box within a box giving life to the historical quarter of Marina

Patio Houses

2014 – 1st year Project.

4-villas complex inside the Saline National Park, within an area of reclaimed land. 4 patio-houses connected to a fairway system.